
Jung: It's so hot today!
Sam: Then let's go eat some ice cream! There's nothing like eating it in the summer.
Jung: But I'd rather eat shaved ice. I like eating mango and milk shaved ice in the summer.
Sam: What in the world is shaved ice?
Jung: There's a machine that shaves a block of ice, and then other ingredients like liquid sugar, candied fruits, beans, peanuts and condensed milk are mixed in. And the taste is out of this world!
Sam: It sounds delicious! But I don't see a shaved ice shop anywhere. I wish an ice cream truck would drive by.
Jung: Is that a truck made of ice cream?
Sam: No! In America it's a truck that's like a portable vender, and it plays a special song over a speaker.
Jung: Ha! Sounds like fun! Do you know about ice cream venders in Taiwan? They ride on bicycles and sell ice cream cones and popsicles. They honk a horn to get people's attention ... (horn sound)
Sam: Yeah! It's a Taiwanese ice cream man to the rescue!
Jung: Don't let him get away!

It's so hot today ! 今天好熱喔!
想要表達天氣很熱的時候,除了對話中的「It's so hot today!」(今天好熱喔。),還有很多其他的實用說法,例如:「It's burning / boiling hot today.」(今天超熱的。)、「I think I'm going to get heat stroke.」(我覺得我快要中暑了啦!),「The heat is killing me!」(我快熱死了啦!)、「I'm going to melt.」(我熱到快融化了。)另外,天氣熱的話,就會想到開冷氣或是把冷氣開強一點,英文說法就是:「It's boiling hot in here. Can we turn on / turn up the AC?」(這裡好熱喔。我們可以把冷氣打開 / 開強一點嗎?)

There's nothing like ... 沒有什麼比得上……
「nothing like ... 」的意思是「沒有什麼能比得上……」,「there's」可以省略,「like」後面則要接名詞或「V-ing」,例如:「There's nothing like a good night's sleep.」(沒有什麼事比得上一夜好眠。)類似說法有:「There's nothing better than ... 」「再也沒有什麼比得上……」,例如:「There's nothing better than doing nothing.」(再也沒有什麼比閒閒沒事做更棒了。)

What in the world is shaved ice? 剉冰到底是什麼啊?
「what」、「where」、「who」等疑問詞後面加上「in the world」,用來表示「竟然,到底」的意思,用來加強語氣,類似用法還有:「on earth」,例如:「Where on earth have you been?」(你到底去哪兒啦?)。

The taste is out of this world! 這真是人間美味啊!
「out of the world」這個片語常用來形容某種事物「好極了,好到簡直不像是真的了」,就像是杜甫的「此曲只應天上有,人間難得幾回聞」所傳達的感覺,例如:「The Da Vinchi Code is out of this world. I've seen it ten times.」(「達文西密碼」超好看。我已經看了十次了。),也可以用來表示食物「美味極了」,例如:「Your mother's cooking is out of the world.」(你媽媽做菜的手藝非凡。)

an ice cream truck 冰淇淋車
美國的小朋友喜歡去「ice cream parlor / shop」(冰淇淋店)買冰淇淋吃,不過要是在交通不方便的住宅區,就會有像「portable vendor」(活動攤販)一樣的「ice cream truck」(冰淇淋車),由「ice cream man」(賣冰淇淋的人)所駕駛,這種冰淇淋車都會播放一首特別的歌曲來吸引眾人的注意。 



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