Brian and Jocelyn are in the airport. Jocelyn is talking to a ground staff at a check-in counter. Brian 和 Jocelyn 在機場裡。Jocelyn 正與報到櫃檯的地勤人員交談。 |
Jocelyn: Hi, I'd like to reconfirm my reservation.
GS: Okay, may I have your passports, please?
Jocelyn: Here you are. I have booked two one-way tickets.
GS: Yes, I have found your reservation. Do you have any check-in luggage?
Jocelyn: Yes, we have two pieces of luggage.
GS: Please put them on the carousel. Would you like to sit next to each other?
Jocelyn: Yes, that would be great!
GS: Do you mind center seats?
Jocelyn: Well, can you give me a window seat and an aisle seat next to me?
嗯... 你可以給我一個靠窗的座位和旁邊靠走道的座位嗎?
GS: Okay, here are your boarding passes. Please make sure your luggage passes through the X-ray machine before you board the plane.
好的,這是你們的登機證。請在登機前確認你們的行李通過 X 光檢測機。
Jocelyn: What is the boarding gate number of this flight?
GS: Oh, it's No. 25. Please arrive there around 7:30; the plane will take off at 8:25.
Jocelyn: Thank you very much.
GS: You're welcome and have a nice flight!
重要字詞講解: |
1. reconfirm (v.) 再確認 例:Hi, I'd like to reconfirm my reservation. (嗨,我想要確認我的訂位。) 例:You'd better reconfirm the schedule before the meeting starts. (你最好在開會再確認一下時間表。) ※ 小叮嚀: 字首是 re 的動詞通常含有「再度 …」的意思。 2. luggage (n.) 行李 例:Do you have any check-in luggage? (你們有任何要託運的行李嗎?) 例:I forgot my luggage at the airport. (我把我的行李忘在機場。) ※ 小叮嚀: luggage 是比較英式的用法,美式的用 baggage 這個字。 3. carousel (n.) 輸送帶 例:Please put them on the carousel. (請放在輸送帶上。) 例:I went to a Japanese restaurant where they put all the food on a carousel for people to choose. (我去了一家日本料理店,他們把所有的食物放在輸送帶上給客人挑。) ※ 小叮嚀: carousel 指的是環狀的輸送帶,同時也有旋轉木馬的意思。 4. aisle (n.) 走道 例:Well, can you give me a window seat and an aisle seat next to me? (嗯 …你可以給我一個靠窗的座位和旁邊靠走道的座位嗎?) 例:We should keep the aisle clear all the time. (我們應該隨時保持走道暢通。) ※ 小叮嚀: aisle 通常指的是戲院、交通工具等地方裏面的座位之間的通道。 5. boarding pass 登機證 例:Okay, here are your boarding passes. (好的,這是你們的登機證。) 例:You can buy your tickets online and pick up your boarding passes at a check-in counter at the airport. (你可以上網買機票,然後在機場的報到櫃檯拿登機證。) ※ 小叮嚀: 登機證和機票不同,通常是先在某處買機票,再至機場櫃檯用機票換登機證。 |
1. 如果 … 那就太好了 …
That would be great … if …
例: That would be great (if we can sit next to each other)!
例: That would be great if you can come over here.
2. 確認 …
sb + make sure + (that)…
例:Please make sure your luggage passes through the X-ray machine before you board the plane.
(請在登機前確認你們的行李通過 X 光檢測機。)
例:I have to make sure there is no danger here.
※ 小叮嚀:
"make sure" 後面通常接子句來表達要確認的事情,that 可省略。