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退休與面試新人 (面試的後續)

Brad and Laura are taking their coffee break together. They are having a friendly chat about the interviews that Laura conducted earlier that morning.
Brad 和 Laura 正一起在休息。他們在談論有關 Laura 早上進行的面談。

Brad: So, how did the interviews go this morning? Did you find any suitable candidates?

Laura: I interviewed a lot of people who were very qualified for the positions. I'll make my final decisions by the end of the week.

Brad: Do you remember interviewing a guy named Hank?
你記得你有面試一個叫做 Hank 的人嗎?

Laura: That name rings a bell. Why do you ask?

Brad: Well, Hank is a good friend of mine. I have known him ever since I moved to Taiwan.

Laura: I'll take another look at his resume. His picture should be attached to it. Did he go to university in the US?

Brad: Yes, he went to Harvard. He studied and lived in the US for many years. That's why his English is so good.

Laura: Oh, I remember now. He also has a lot of work experience. I was thinking about inviting him for a second interview. He is definitely a top candidate.

Brad: Well, his resume is really impressive. He showed it to me before he faxed it to you.

Laura: I agree, and if my memory serves me right, he was wearing a very nice suit.

Brad: Every girl's crazy about a sharply dressed man!!!

1. conduct (v.) 帶領;主導進行

 例:They are having a friendly chat about the interviews that Laura conducted earlier that morning.
   (他們在愉快地談論著有關 Laura 早上進行的面談。)

 例:Our director conducted a meeting about the ongoing project this morning.

2. suitable  (adj.) 合適的

 例:Did you find any suitable candidates?

 例:He believes that he is suitable for the job.

※ 小叮嚀:
要表達「對某人事物很適合」,可用介系詞 for,後接適合的對象。

3. ring a bell 令人想起某些事

 例:That name rings a bell.

 例:You can't remember her? You went to the same college. Does that ring a bell?

※ 小叮嚀:
"ring a bell" 是一個慣用語,特別用在得到某些提示後,想起某些事的情況。

4. attach (v.) 附上;貼上

 例:I'll take another look at his resume. His picture should be attached to it.

 例:If you don't want to lose your bag, you should attach the label to it.

※ 小叮嚀:
「貼在 …上面」要用介系詞 to。

5. serve someone right   沒錯;活該

 例:If my memory serves me right, he was wearing a very nice suit.

 例:It would serve you right if she will never speak to you again.

※ 小叮嚀:
"serve someone right" 通常解釋為「活該;得到應得的處罰」,但第一個例句當中的 "If my memory serves me right" 是特殊的習慣用法,意思是「如果我沒記錯的話」。



 1. 某人 …休息

  sb take (a) … break …

 例:Brad and Laura are taking their coffee break together.
  (Brad 和 Laura 正一起在休息。)

 例:They usually take a lunch break together.

※ 小叮嚀:
break 在英文中,除了有「破碎」的意思之外,還有「短暫的休息」之意。"take a … break" 當中,則可以加入某些名詞來解釋何種休息。例如例句當中的 "coffee break" 指的就是可以喝咖啡小憩的休息時間。

 2. 某事聽起來很熟悉 / 想起 …

  sth ring(s) a / one's bell…

 例:That name rings a bell.

 例:Although they showed lots of pictures to me, those still couldn't ring me a bell.


每天看美女或者是帥哥圖 有益身心健康!


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