
Mad Labs  瘋狂實驗室

by Jerri Graham

Fish fart. Germs can make you fat. You can light a fire with an old Coke can and a bar of chocolate. Random bits of information are always fun to know, but when these facts are backed up with science, they have much more validity. To learn the basis for these oddities of science, tune in to one of the most interesting, strange, and irreverent series in the world—Mad Labs on the National Geographic Channel. This series explores the everyday science of our lives through some of the most mind-blowing experiments known to man.

Mad Labs is a bit crazy, and the experiments, inventions, and findings in nature featured on the show are rather off-the-wall. In episode one, meet a special breed of goat that doesn't run away when it is scared—it faints instead. Viewers can also discover what it would be like to soar above the masses on a magic carpet. A flying rug has yet to be invented, but a personal helicopter can give passengers the same sensation.

In the second episode of Mad Labs, meet a scientist who adores his pet chicken. He loves him so much that he's figured out a way to send him a hug over the Internet. If you long to hug a human instead of a feathered friend, the way you smell may play a role in this quest. The right deodorant or lack of it may help get you noticed.

Few people in the world enjoy washing dishes. For the rest of us, a handy invention that makes dishes on demand may be the invention we have been waiting for. In episode three of Mad Labs, this neat machine that may mean the end of dishpan hands will be unveiled. Oh, and have you ever wondered if your eyes might pop out if you sneeze too hard? Find out if they will in episode five.

Nearly a dozen fun-filled episodes from the Mad Labs of National Geographic Channel are just waiting for the enjoyment of viewers.

1. Mad Labs is _____.
(A) a serious look into how the world of science is changing
(B) an hour-long comedy about scientists working in a crazy lab
(C) a look at the interesting science of our day-to-day lives
(D) a news feature with innovations in science and technology

2. In the first episode of Mad Labs, what is so special about the featured goat?
(A) It has the ability to fly.
(B) It has an out-of-the-ordinary defense mechanism.
(C) It runs away at the first sign of danger.
(D) It has a vicious method of attacking its prey.

3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Science is the same boring stuff it has always been.
(B) Science is only for people with high intelligence.
(C) Science and technology are the wave of the future.
(D) Science can play an intriguing and fun part in our lives.

4. From the information above, which of the following might you see in an episode of Mad Labs?
(A) The scientific theory behind the flight of birds.
(B) The best way to dunk your cookie into a cup of milk.
(C) The latest information about the cloning of sheep.
(D) The discovery of an ancient tomb in Africa.


1. random a. 隨機的

* random 亦可作名詞,用於下列片語中:
at random  隨機,隨意地
例: According to police reports, victims of the crimes were chosen at random.

2. back up...  支持……
例: The evidence you gave me doesn't back up your theory.

3. tune in to...  收看/收聽……(節目)
例: Please tune in to our show next week.

4. off-the-wall  怪誕的,超乎尋常的
例: Bobby is known for making off-the-wall comments at inappropriate times.

5. soar vi. 上升
例: If I had one wish, it would be to have wings and soar high in the sky.

6. sensation n. 感受;轟動
cause/stir a sensation  造成轟動
例: The model caused a sensation when she released her first novel.

7. long to V  渴望做……
例: James has always longed to open up his own flower shop.

8. play a role/part in...  在……方面佔有一席之地
例: Everyone will have to play a role in getting our business off the ground.

9. handy a. 便利的
come in handy  用得著,派上用場
例: Keeping a backup copy of all of your telephone numbers might come in handy if you lose your cell phone.

10. on demand  一經要求,被要求時
例: If you have a new cable box, you can watch any show you want on demand.

11. unveil vt. 揭露;公諸於眾
例: The president will unveil his plan for improving the economy.

12. pop out (of...)  (從……)迸出/伸出
pop up  突然出現
例: The turtle's head popped out of the shell.
Rob popped up all of a sudden and scared me half to death.

13. infer vt. 推論;暗示
例: I'm not sure what you're trying to infer, but I think you may be totally wrong.

14. dunk A into B  將 A 浸泡在 B 中
dunk vt. 將(食物)浸泡(在咖啡、牛奶等中)
例: I like to dunk cookies into milk to make them less dry.


1. fart vi. 放屁

2. validity n. 正確性

3. oddity n. 怪事

4. irreverent a. 戲謔的;不恭的

5. mind-blowing a. 令人興奮/震驚的

6. breed n. 品種

7. faint vi. 昏倒

8. the masses  大眾

9. rug n. 地毯

10. helicopter n. 直昇機

11. adore vt. 愛慕

12. hug n. & vt. 擁抱

13. deodorant n. 除臭劑;體香劑

14. dishpan hands  (因燒飯、洗碗等所致)粗糙的手

dishpan n. 洗碗盤用的盆子

15. sneeze vi. 打噴嚏

16. innovation n. 創新

17. out-of-the-ordinary a. 不尋常的

18. defense mechanism  防衛機制;防禦機制

19. prey n. 獵物

20. stuff n. 東西(不可數)

21. intriguing a. 引人入勝的

22. cloning n. 複製

  魚會放屁。細菌會讓你發福。你可以用一個舊可樂罐和一塊巧克力起火。隨手可得的資訊總是樂趣無窮,一旦這些小知識有科學的背書,就更具正當性了。想知道這一些科學奇事的基礎,請鎖定世界上最有趣、最奇怪、最戲謔的系列節目之一 —— 國家地理頻道的《瘋狂實驗室》。這個系列節目將以一些最令人驚奇的實驗來探索我們日常生活裡常見的科學現象。




1.《瘋狂實驗室》 _____。
(A) 嚴肅看待科學世界的變遷
(B) 是科學家在瘋狂實驗室中工作的一小時喜劇
(C) 一窺我們日常生活中有趣的科學
(D) 是介紹科學與科技創新的新聞報導
題解: 根據本文第一段,這個系列節目將以一些最令人驚奇的實驗來探索我們日常生活裡常見的科學現象,故選 (C)。

2. 第一集節目中的羊有何特別之處?
(A) 牠有飛翔的能力。
(B) 牠有不尋常的防禦機制。
(C) 牠一看到危險就落跑。
(D) 牠用凶惡的方法攻擊牠的獵物。
題解: 根據本文第二段,第一集中會看到一種特殊品種的羊,受到驚嚇時不會逃走,卻會昏倒,此乃碰到危險時的一種防禦機制,因此選 (B)。

3. 下列何者能從本文中推論出來?
(A) 科學永遠都是那麼無聊。
(B) 科學只適合有高智慧的人。
(C) 科學和科技是未來的浪潮。
(D) 科學在我們生活中扮演著吸引人又有趣的角色。
題解: 綜觀全文,全是介紹科學在日常生活中的趣味性,因此應選 (D)。

4. 從上述資訊得知,在本節目中有可能看到下列何者?
(A) 鳥類飛行的科學理論。
(B) 將餅乾浸泡在牛奶中的最好方法。
(C) 複製羊的最新科技。
(D) 在非洲發現古墓。
題解: 綜觀全文,本節目探索的科學都是日常生活隨處可見的事項,選項 (B) 屬於生活層面的範疇,故選之。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (B)


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