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今日單字:on the rebound



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IamSammi.jpg  (美女上班族)  14d8777ad49ab0.jpg(陽光男模)    



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candy150366.jpg (愛狗正妹)   夏大銘.jpg  (台灣帥哥棋士)




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5L.jpg (跆拳英雄楊淑君)   1048840_ec44513abb54e62266e48cc80e115135.jpg  (差一點變帥氣里長)



dog that caught the car

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angel66200.jpg   alex20002000.jpg

因此在obstacle與barrier雖然都是翻譯成 障礙

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slimasai.jpg         LOVEDORORO.jpg




不知要下 Conclusion呢?   還是Summary呢?


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by Julia Koprak

As a young man on stage, few knew that Charlie Chaplin would become one of the most important people in movie history. Born in London in 1889, Charlie was a natural talent since both of his parents had been actors. In fact, his skills as a performer helped him survive the hardships of a very difficult childhood. His father died when Charlie was a child and his mother suffered from a mental illness that left her incapable of caring for her children. After the hospitalization of their mother, Charlie and his brother were forced to fend for themselves. They did so through performing on the stage.

Chaplin's comedic personality took him to America, where he became a great star of the silent screen in 1914. His signature character was the Tramp, a pauper with a little moustache, cane, and bowler hat. He paraded around as a gentleman, landing himself in all kinds of interesting situations. As the character of the Tramp, Chaplin made a stream of successful silent films.

In 1927, talkies, or films with synchronized sound, were introduced. Nevertheless, Chaplin continued to make silent films, and in fact, some of his best. He had an amazing ability to blend humor with a bit of emotion without uttering a single line of dialogue. Moreover, although seemingly simple on the surface, Chaplin's films had strong political undertones. In Modern Times, a movie filmed during the Depression, the Tramp is a factory worker struggling in an industrial society. In The Great Dictator, Chaplin made an even bolder move by taking on the role of a leader similar to Adolf Hitler and speaking on film for the first time.

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 (知名女網選手 Safina 圖和本人有差 = =....)    


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今日單字:tag alone


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       (天妒英才阿! 認真的男人最帥-廖風德) 


•今日單字: voluntourism




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Mad Labs  瘋狂實驗室

by Jerri Graham

Fish fart. Germs can make you fat. You can light a fire with an old Coke can and a bar of chocolate. Random bits of information are always fun to know, but when these facts are backed up with science, they have much more validity. To learn the basis for these oddities of science, tune in to one of the most interesting, strange, and irreverent series in the world—Mad Labs on the National Geographic Channel. This series explores the everyday science of our lives through some of the most mind-blowing experiments known to man.

Mad Labs is a bit crazy, and the experiments, inventions, and findings in nature featured on the show are rather off-the-wall. In episode one, meet a special breed of goat that doesn't run away when it is scared—it faints instead. Viewers can also discover what it would be like to soar above the masses on a magic carpet. A flying rug has yet to be invented, but a personal helicopter can give passengers the same sensation.

In the second episode of Mad Labs, meet a scientist who adores his pet chicken. He loves him so much that he's figured out a way to send him a hug over the Internet. If you long to hug a human instead of a feathered friend, the way you smell may play a role in this quest. The right deodorant or lack of it may help get you noticed.

Few people in the world enjoy washing dishes. For the rest of us, a handy invention that makes dishes on demand may be the invention we have been waiting for. In episode three of Mad Labs, this neat machine that may mean the end of dishpan hands will be unveiled. Oh, and have you ever wondered if your eyes might pop out if you sneeze too hard? Find out if they will in episode five.

Nearly a dozen fun-filled episodes from the Mad Labs of National Geographic Channel are just waiting for the enjoyment of viewers.

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(傅小芸 很像桂綸鎂吧!)  

by Jerri Graham

Looking in the mirror, you see your reflection. Each morning staring back at you are the same nose, mouth, and eyes that you've had your entire life. _(1)_ Visualize staring across the dinner table and you see a person chewing on a piece of bread that looks exactly like you. This is not science fiction or the future of cloning, but the wonderful world of twins.

Most people have a sibling or two. The physical similarities can be striking, but with certain types of twins, these likenesses are incredible. Identical twins share 100 percent of the same DNA, which means that they are physically the same in almost all respects. _(2)_
Besides sharing the same looks, some twins even have a language of their own. Young twins often communicate with one another in a made-up language. There are even cases where twins keep this language throughout their lives. _(3)_ In addition to speaking a language all their own, twins are also said to have the ability to feel one another's emotions and physical sensations. In studies, researchers have conducted experiments where they have separated twins. In one room, one of the twins may have received an electric shock unbeknownst to his/her sibling. _(4)_
Oftentimes twins, especially those that are identical, want to be considered separate from the other. Dressing in a different style may help, but this only scratches the surface. _(5)_ With the aid of a plastic surgeon, some twins achieve a level of being different that a new shirt could never provide.

(A) Meanwhile in another room, the other twin reacts to this pain.
(B) On the other hand, fraternal twins may look somewhat alike or be complete opposite.
(C) Some become so desperate to forge their own identity that they seek out the help of professionals.
(D) Can you imagine what it would be like not to have to look in the mirror to see a reflection of yourself?
(E) No matter how old they become, they will continue to communicate with one another in this tongue.

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Dialogue A

Mark and Janice are at a clothing store.

Mark: I really like this green T-shirt.
Janice: It fits like a glove and looks great on you. But I doubt if it is preshrunk1.
Mark: That's what it's labeled.
Janice: Good. I know you always toss everything in the dryer2. If the shirt shrinks, it won't fit you that well.
Mark: You're right, but I think I'm still going to buy it.
Janice: OK. Do that and let's go get some lunch.


馬 克:我好喜歡這件綠色的運動衫。
馬 克:它是這麼標示的。
馬 克:妳說的對,但我想我還是會把它買下來。

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•今日單字: all-singing, all-dancing

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   ( as title....)

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•今日單字: sock puppet

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There was a one-hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity. Here are some very interesting aspects of his life: 


1.He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late! 

(他11歲開始買了第一張股票,但現在還是很後悔說他太晚買了 !) 

2.He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.


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  One day, a slave1 ran away from his master because he was being treated very badly. To avoid being captured, the slave fled into the forest. He wandered around in search of food and shelter2 and finally came to a cave. The slave laid down to rest, heard a roar3, and looked up to see a lion above him. He thought that the lion was about to attack, but instead, it walked over and lifted its paw4 up to the man.

  The slave saw the lion's paw was swollen and had a big thorn5 in it. He pulled the thorn out and cleaned the wound as best as he could. Soon, the lion's paw healed completely. The lion was thankful for what the slave did and saw him as a friend. They spent a lot of time together in the cave. However, the slave soon longed for the company of humans and decided to leave the cave. The lion was sad, but he understood why the man wanted to go.

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