Dialogue A
Sam and Della are having a little talk.
Sam: I'm really feeling under the weather today.
Della: You don't look well. What's wrong?
Sam: I have a high temperature1 and I feel dizzy2. I think I caught a cold.
Della: Let me feel your forehead3. Wow! You're burning up.
Sam: I know, but the doctor says that I should be back on my feet again in a few days.
Della: Well, get some rest and I'll visit you this weekend.
Sam: Thanks.
山 姆:我今天真的覺得超不舒服。
黛 拉:你氣色很差。怎麼啦?
山 姆:我體溫很高,頭也好暈。我想我感冒了。
黛 拉:讓我摸摸看你的額頭。哇!你發燒了。
山 姆:我知道,可是醫生說我再過幾天應該就會好了。
黛 拉:嗯,你好好休息,這週末我再來看你。
山 姆:謝啦。
Dialogue B
Della is back over at Sam’s house.
Sam: My stomach hurts.
Della: It looks like you've taken a turn for the worse.
Sam: My fever is gone now, but I think I have food poisoning4.
Della: What did you eat?
Sam: I went out for dinner and had some seafood last night.
Della: Well, stay in bed then. I'm sure you'll pull through after a few days.
Sam: Thanks. But it feels like I'm knocking at death's door at the moment.
山 姆:我的胃好痛。
黛 拉:你的病情似乎惡化了。
山 姆:我現在燒退了,但我想我食物中毒。
黛 拉:你吃了什麼?
山 姆:昨晚我出去吃飯,吃了點海鮮。
黛 拉:那你就待在床上吧。我保證你過幾天就會好了。
山 姆:謝謝。可是我覺得我現在快掛了。
1. under the weather身體不舒服
My father is a little bit under the weather.
2. be burning up發高燒
Dan is burning up. He has to see a doctor now.
3. be back on + 所有格 + feet某人恢復健康
After being sick for 10 days, Simon is finally back on his feet again.
4. take a turn for the worse 惡化
Her marriage has taken a turn for the worse.
5. pull through(從重病或重傷中)康復/存活
Don't worry. Your wife will pull through soon.
6. be knocking at death's door垂死
The patient is knocking at death's door.
1. temperature體溫;溫度
2. dizzy頭暈目眩的
3. forehead額頭
4. food poisoning食物中毒
I have a high temperature and I feel dizzy.
A: I made an appointment with the doctor at 3 o'clock.
B: What's your name, please?
甲:我跟醫生約三點看病。 乙:你叫什麼名字?
A: What seems to be the trouble?
B: I have a fever/cough.
甲:你哪裡不舒服? 乙:我發燒/咳嗽。
A: May I take your temperature?
B: Yes, please.
甲:我可以幫你量體溫嗎? 乙:好的。 n. n. a. n.