What are black holes, and how do they form?
Contrary to what the term black hole seems to imply, black holes are not empty space. As a matter of fact, they are a _(1)_ amount of matter packed into a relatively tiny space. The result is a gravitational field so powerful that nothing, not even light, can _(2)_ its pull. If you can imagine a star 10 times larger than the sun squeezed into a sphere approximately the _(3)_ of New York City, you will understand the concept. Princeton University physicist John Wheeler _(4)_ the term in 1967, but black holes were considered just an abstract, mathematical idea at first. Even though their _(5)_ was predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, the genius himself thought they only existed in theory. Then in 1931, Nobel Prize-winning astronomer Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar calculated that certain high-mass stars could actually collapse into black holes, and he turned _(6)_ to be right. Astronomers have subsequently found many examples of the phenomenon.
When a massive star dies, it leaves a small, dense core. If the mass of this core is more than approximately three times the mass of the sun, then the force of gravity overwhelms all other forces and produces a black hole. Most black holes are 10 to 24 times more massive than the sun. There are also supermassive black holes that are millions of times as large as the sun. Scientists believe that these _(7)_ giants lie at the center of all large galaxies, including the Milky Way.
1. (A) barbarian (B) descriptive (C) tremendous (D) sentimental
2. (A) shatter (B) corrupt (C) resist (D) disgrace
3. (A) size (B) number (C) depth (D) code
4. (A) compensated (B) coined (C) dedicated (D) exploited
5. (A) existence (B) endurance (C) fidelity (D) nomination
6. (A) over (B) down (C) away (D) out
7. (A) mediocre (B) mysterious (C) indifferent (D) applicable
與黑洞這個專有名詞字面意義相反的是,它並非空洞的空間。事實上,黑洞是質量相當大的物質被塞進一個相當狹小的空間。其結果會產生一個相當強大的重力 場,以致任何物質甚至光線都無法抵抗其拉力。如果你能夠想像一顆比太陽還要大上十倍的恆星被硬塞進一個大約只有紐約市大小的球體中,你就會了解這個概念 了。普林斯頓大學的物理學家約翰.惠勒在 1967 年創造了黑洞這個名詞,但最初黑洞僅被視為一種抽象的數學概念。即使在艾伯特.愛因斯坦的相對論中已預測到黑洞的存在,但這位天才當時自己也認為黑洞只存 在於理論之中。接著在 1931 年諾貝爾獎得主天文學家蘇布拉馬尼揚.錢德拉賽卡推算出某些高質量的恆星的確會崩壞而成為黑洞,最後也證明他的理論是正確的。後來天文學家發現許多這種現 象的例子。
當巨大的恆星消失時,只留下一顆體積很小且密度很高的核心。如果這顆核心的質量超過太陽質量約三倍以上,那重力就會壓過其他力量而形成黑洞。而大部份 黑洞比太陽還要大上十到二十四倍。也有比太陽大上幾百萬倍的超大黑洞。科學家認為這些神祕的巨物位於廣大銀河的中心,這當然也包括了我們所處的銀河系。
答案: 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B
- As a matter of fact, they are a tremendous amount of matter packed into a relatively tiny space.
a. (A) barbarian a. 野蠻的,未開化的
There is a barbarian tribe living in this forest.
(B) descriptive a. 描述的
Sue was descriptive when she told the police what the mugger looked like.
(C) tremendous a. 巨大的
The scandal has done tremendous damage to the president's reputation.
(D) sentimental a. 情感的;感傷的
Sentimental movies stir Emily to tears.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。 - The result is a gravitational field so powerful that nothing, not even light, can resist its pull.
a. (A) shatter vt. 粉碎
The angry woman shattered the mirror when she hit it with her fist.
(B) corrupt vt. 使腐敗,使墮落
Power and money corrupted Neil.
(C) resist vt. 抗拒
resist N/V-ing 抗拒……
Lack of proper nourishment reduces children's ability to resist disease.
(D) disgrace vt. 使屈辱/蒙羞
Sarah disgraced her family when she married a common man.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。 - If you can imagine a star 10 times larger than the sun squeezed into a sphere approximately the size of New York City,...
a. (A) size n. 大小 & vt. 按大小排列
... into a sphere (which is) approximately the size of New York City,...
= ... into a sphere (which is) as large as New York City,...
size up 估計,迅速對……作出判斷
The pilot's job was to fly over the stricken area and size up the situation.
(B) number n. 號碼,數字;數量 & vt. 為……編號;為數有限
The old man's days are numbered.
(C) depth n. 深度(單數或不可數);最深處,(知識的)淵博(複數)
... in depth ……的深度
Anyone wanting a greater depth of understanding on the subject should read this book.
This diving pool is 25-meters in depth.
= This diving pool is 25-meters deep.
(D) code n. 密碼,代號;規則 & vt. 將……編碼
zip code 郵遞區號
dress code 服裝規定
The files were coded so we could tell them apart.
b. 根據語意及用法,(A) 項應為正選。 - Princeton University physicist John Wheeler coined the term in 1967, but black holes were considered just an abstract, mathematical idea at first.
普林斯頓大學的物理學家約翰.惠勒在 1967 年創造了黑洞這個名詞,但最初黑洞僅被視為一種抽象的數學概念。
a. (A) compensate vi. 彌補,補償(與介詞 for 並用)
compensate for... 補償/彌補……
= make up for...
I put more weight on my left leg to compensate for my sprained right ankle.
(B) coin vt. 發明,創造(新字詞)
The writer coined the popular term for the movement.
(C) dedicate vt. 奉獻,致力於
be dedicated to N/V-ing
= be devoted to N/V-ing
We are all devoted to making this program work for the benefit of the children.
(D) exploit vt. 剝削,利用
James plans to sue the company for exploiting its employees.
b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。 - Even though their existence was predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of relativity,...
a. (A) existence n. 存在
Dinosaurs were in existence long before there were humans.
(B) endurance n. 忍耐(力)
John showed remarkable endurance throughout his chemotherapy sessions.
*chemotherapy n. 化療
(C) fidelity n. 忠誠,忠貞
infidelity n. 不忠
The woman cited infidelity as the reason she was filing for a divorce.
(D) nomination n. 提名
Because of his background, David received a nomination for the position.
b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。 - Then in 1931, Nobel Prize-winning astronomer Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar calculated that certain high-mass stars could actually collapse into black holes, and he turned out to be right.
接著在 1931 年諾貝爾獎得主天文學家蘇布拉馬尼揚.錢德拉賽卡推算出某些高質量的恆星的確會崩壞而成為黑洞,最後也證明他的理論是正確的。
a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
turn out to be... 結果是……;原來是……
The up-and-coming singer turned out to be the mayor's daughter.
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。 - Scientists believe that these mysterious giants lie at the center of all large galaxies, including the Milky Way.
a. (A) mediocre a. 普通的,平庸的
= average
Val may be a mediocre singer, but she's the only one we could get for the party.
(B) mysterious a. 神秘的
The whole country was buzzing about the singer's mysterious new girlfriend.
(C) indifferent a. 不感興趣的;冷淡的
be indifferent to...
Beth was angry because her husband was indifferent to her complaints.
(D) applicable a. 適用的
This law is not applicable to foreign residents.
b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
- imply vt. 暗示,暗指
Lori apologized because she didn't mean to imply that Rick was lying.
蘿莉道歉了,因為她並非有意要暗指瑞克說謊。 - relatively adv. 相當地
= quite
This book is relatively difficult for a fourth grader to read.
這本書對小學四年級生而言相當困難。 - abstract a. 抽象的
I was able to grasp the artist's meaning, although his work was abstract.
雖然這位藝術家的作品很抽象,但我卻能理解他想傳達的意念。 - collapse vi.(體系或機構的)崩潰,瓦解;衰退;倒塌
This system has collapsed in most countries where it was put in place.
Cynthia's health collapsed because of overwork.
辛西亞的身體因工作過度而累垮了。 - subsequently adv. 後來;隨後
Stanley was arrested and subsequently sentenced to life in prison.
史丹利遭到逮捕,隨後被判終生監禁。 - overwhelm vt. 淹沒;使招架不住
Many high school seniors are overwhelmed by the task of getting into the best colleges.
- universe n. 宇宙
- gravitational a. 引力的
gravity n. 重力;引力 - pull n. 拉力
- sphere n. 球體;天體
- approximately adv. 大約
- physicist n. 物理學家
- mathematical a. 數學的
- relativity n. 相對論
- astronomer n. 天文學家
- calculate vt. 計算(以 that 子句作受詞)
- massive a. 巨大的
supermassive a. 超巨大的 - dense a. 密集的;稠密的
- galaxy n. 銀河
the Galaxy (地球所處的)銀河系
= the Milky Way
- contrary to... 和……相反
- pack sb/sth into...
= squeeze sb/sth into...把某人/某物塞進/擠進…… - in theory 理論上
in practice 實際上
每天看美女或者是帥哥圖 有益身心健康!