
1. 夏天的好天氣實在很宜人,不過啊,溼熱引起的皮膚問題實在很煩。
Beautiful days in the summer are surely pleasant; however, the skin problems caused by the heat and humidity can be really annoying.
The good weather in the summer is certainly pleasant, but skin problems resulting from the heat and humidity can be a hassle.

2. 像痱子就是其中一種很不舒服的皮膚問題。
A heat rash, for example, is one of the problems that can make you feel really uncomfortable.
For instance, prickly heat is one of the types of uncomfortable skin problems.

3. 我的醫生建議我用不含皂的清潔用品,沖澡之後也要擦清爽型的乳液。
My doctor suggests that I use soap-free cleanser and oil-free moisturizers after showering.
My doctor recommends that I use cleaning products that don't contain soap and moisturizers without oil after bathing.

4. 還有一定要避免穿貼身的衣服,不然發炎的情況會變得更糟。
Also, it's important to avoid wearing form-fitting clothes, or else the irritation would become even worse.
In addition, you should definitely avoid wearing form-fitting clothes. Otherwise, the irritation will become even more serious.

5. 好好照顧你的皮膚,記得定期去角質,這樣你的皮膚就可以常保健康囉。
Take good care of you skin, and remember to exfoliate regularly so that your skin will always stay healthy.
Take care of your skin and remember to regularly exfoliate. If you do this, you can always preserve the health of your skin.

humidity (n.): 濕氣,溼度
annoying (adj.): 討厭的,惱人的
hassle (n.): 麻煩,困擾
heat rash (n.): 痱子,汗疹
moisturizer (n.): 潤膚乳液
form-fitting (adj.): 貼身的
irritation (n.): 發炎,過敏
exfoliate (v.): 去角質

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