
By Hermia Lin
Taiwan News, Staff Reporter
2008-05-01 12:48 AM
Soochow University's possible regulation on professors attending TV and radio programs drew sharp criticism Wednesday from school professors and legislators, who condemned such regulation as a violation of one's freedom of speech.
The university Wednesday afternoon held a temporary meeting to discuss a proposal, which if passed, would regulate its professors' attendance of TV and radio programs and limit their attendance to four times per month. If a professor plans to attend TV and radio programs for more than four times within a month, he or she would need to send in a report and seek approval from the school.
Soochow University Secretary-General Li Kuei-ying said the proposal is not aimed at barring professors from attending politics-related TV programs, but simply maintaining the school's reputation and image. He said many alumni had called the university and complained that its professors attend political TV shows too often.
"Some of the alumni even said they would stop donating money to the school if the situation is not improved," said Li, while emphasizing the proposal was not about boycotting "green" or "blue" political ideologies.
But Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明), a political science professor at the university, argued that such regulation would be like a gag law .
1. legislator 立法委員
2. condemn 責罵
3. proposal 提出建議
4. reputation 名譽
5. alumni 校友
6. boycott 聯合抵制
7. ideologies 意識形態
8. gag 言論箝制