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Tech-savvy Taxis 高科技計程車

In the near future passengers in New York City taxis will be able to watch the news, read bar and restaurant 1)reviews, and 2)access a 3)database of other location-4)specific information. This will be made possible by a system of new, interactive touch-screens which will soon be 5)mandatory equipment in all of the city's 13,000 cabs.

The plan sounds great to nearly everyone, except the drivers. They complain the system is an expensive 6)imposition-- they pay for it themselves-- and that its GPS functions will 7)enable others to track their position.






savvy (n.) 通曉,理解力
1) review (n.) 評鑑
2) access (v.) 取用(資料),進入
3) database (n.) 資料庫
4) specific (a.) 特定的,具體的
5) mandatory (a.) 強制規定的
6) imposition (n.) 不合理的負擔,強徵的稅賦



每天看美女或者是帥哥圖 有益身心健康!




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