Perseus, the son of a mortal woman and the king of the Greek gods, Zeus, was sent to capture the snake-haired Medusa's head. Even though one look at Medusa could turn anyone to stone, Perseus used his shield as a mirror and successfully sliced off her head. Blood flowed from the dead monster's neck and into the ocean. From this water sprang the white-winged horse known as Pegasus, the child of the sea god Poseidon and Medusa.
With Pegasus' help, the hero Perseus next rescued a princess. Afterwards, Athena, the goddess of war, entrusted the Muses, a group of sisters who inspired poets, with Pegasus' care. When he met them, Pegasus was so excited that he beat his hooves against the side of the mountain, producing a magical well that gives inspiration to all who drink from it. One of the Muses foretold that Pegasus would go on to greatness.
Bellerophon, a lesser-known Greek god, longed to capture and tame Pegasus. Upon capturing Pegasus, Bellerophon used the mighty-winged horse as a vehicle in his quest to kill a creature known for having a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail. After the slaying, Bellerophon ordered Pegasus to fly him up to Mt. Olympus, the home of the gods. This angered Zeus so much that he had a fly sting Pegasus, causing him to buck his rider. Bellerophon fell to his death, while Pegasus flew to Mt. Olympus, where Zeus turned him into a heavenly constellation. Pegasus is said to carry Zeus' lightning bolts across the sky, and as he rushes across, his hooves create rumbles of thunder.
1. slice off... 將……切下來
例: Slice off a piece of that apple for me.
2. springvi. 跳,躍
spring, sprang, sprung。
spring up 突然出現
例: Many Internet cafés have sprung up in this city over the past few years.
3. entrust sb with... 將……委託給某人
例: My sister entrusted me with the job of arranging her wedding banquet.
4. inspire vt. 啟發
inspire sb to V 啟發某人做……
例: That rock and roll singer inspired Nick to start up his own band.
5. long to V 渴望做……
例: Becky longs to study abroad and works three jobs to save money for it.
6. in one's quest to V 某人為了要……
例: In his quest to become popular, Ken tried to act cool in front of the girls.
7. allow sb to V 允許某人做……
例: Mary's father would never allow her to marry a man without a job.
8. stand for... 代表……
例: The superhero stands for truth and justice.
9. be a symbol of... 是……的象徵
= be symbolic of...
例: Doves are symbols of peace in most cultures.
1. mortal n. 凡人
2. capture vt. 擄獲
3. hoof n. 蹄
4. foretell vt. 預言
三態為:foretell, foretold [ fOr`told ],
5. tame vt. 馴服
6. serpent n. 大蛇
7. slay n. 殺戮
8. sting vt. 刺,
9. buck vt.(馬)彎背躍起把(騎者)摔下
10. constellation n.
11. bolt n. 閃電
12. rumble n. 隆隆聲
13. pregnant a. 懷孕的
- Aug 22 Wed 2007 11:02
常春藤解析英語 Pegasus, the Flying Horse 神話中的飛馬