Interviewer:What are your career aims?
Kevin:Well, first I'd like to get some experience from the real work world. Let's put it this way: I know that my experience is only limited to vacation jobs, and although I've done quite well so far, I want the chance to develop something a bit more permanent and long-term. I mean, what I'd like to do is get to a mid-level management position as soon as possible.
凱 文:嗯,我希望先得到職場上真實世界的一些經驗。這麼說吧,我知道我的經驗只限於放假打工,雖然目前為止我做的還不錯,我希望有機會建立更永久和長期的工作經驗。我的意思是說,我是想盡快做到中級主管的職位。
Interviewer:What are you looking for in a new job?
Daisy:Yes, good question. Umm, well, I'm looking for a new challenge. I've had quite a good career so far, things have worked out well, and I've learned a lot. However, I still want to learn more. Let me rephrase what I just said. I'm hoping to fill the gaps in my experience. For example, I'm hoping to get a position with more strategic responsibility.
黛 西:是的,好問題。呃,我希望有新的挑戰。目前為止我已經擁有不錯的事業,一切都滿順利的,也學到了很多,但是我還是想再多學一點。我換個方式說吧。我希望填補空白的經驗。例如,我想負責策略性比較高的職位。