
1. 昨天自然科學老師教我們流星雨的形成過程,還提到即將到來的流星雨。
Yesterday, our science teacher taught us about the forming of meteor showers and told us about the coming meteor shower.
Yesterday, our science teacher taught us how meteor showers form, and he told us about a meteor shower that will happen soon.

2. 每個同學都很興奮,所以我們決定要計劃去看流星雨。
All my classmates got very excited about it, so we decided to plan a meteor shower watching trip.
All my classmates thought it was exciting, so we made up our minds to plan a trip to watch the meteor shower.

3. 我們得先離開市區,找一個比較暗的地點,因為城裡的燈光會有礙觀星。
First, we'll have drive away from the city to find a darker site, because the glow of city lights is no good for star watching.
We'll leave the city first and find a darker location because the city lights will make it difficult to see the stars well.

4. 我們老師說,只要看得到小北斗七星就表示天空夠暗,就可以看到流星雨了。
Our teacher said that as long as we can see the Little Dipper, then it's dark enough to watch meteor showers.
Our teachers said that if we can see the Little Dipper, it's dark enough to see the meteor shower.

5. 我們已經把椅子、防蚊液、食物和飲料都準備好了,就等流星出現囉。
Now we've got chairs, bug spray, food and drinks all packed, so that we'll be ready when the stars start to "shoot."
We've already got everything we need, like chairs, insect repellent, snacks and beverages, so we just have to wait for the stars to start shooting.

meteor (n.):【天】流星,隕星
make up one's mind (v. phr.): 下定決心
glow (n.): 光,光輝
site (n.): 地點
location (n.): 場所,地點
Little Dipper (n.):【天】小北斗星,小熊座的七星
spray (n.): 噴劑
repellent (n.): 驅蟲劑

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