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Is It Real 3 奇聞大揭秘3

by Jerri Graham

Most people have some common sense. When we see something
suspicious on TV, in the newspaper, or on the Internet, we roll our eyes and wonder how anyone could believe something so stupid. Nevertheless, there are stories that even educated people still believe. These tales may or may not be true, but they leave us wondering whether they are real or not. On National Geographic Channel, these stories are dissected in full detail in the series Is It Real 3.

Thousands of years ago, aliens landed on Earth. They
tampered with the evolution of humans and the results of this can be seen practically everywhere. Sound ridiculous? Not to some people. Believe it or not, there are those who believe that alien astronauts had a hand in making the human race what it is today. Travel back in time with Ancient Astronauts and visit our "alien ancestors."

In the autumn of 1888, Jack the Ripper
roamed the streets of London's East End. After his reign of terror was over, five women had been butchered. To this day, the mystery of who slaughtered these ladies remains unsolved. No one knows for sure, but the truth may be revealed on Jack the Ripper.

Vampires. Just the thought of these fictional beasts is enough to
make your blood run cold. While we may think that they only come to life in books and movies, vampires are actually based on real people. Historians, folklorists, scientists, and doctors all work together to investigate the plausibility of vampires. Take a bite into this juicy mystery on Vampires.

No other channel can offer this type of programming
other than National Geographic Channel. In this unique series, they've stripped away 12 myths that have stood the test of time to expose the truth and find out the answer to the question, Is It Real?

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Interviewer:Tell me about one of your successes.

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本週話題焦點:退休與面試新人 (面試的後續PartII)

Brad drops off some paperwork at Laura's office and they start talking about Brad's friend Hank, who had an interview with Laura yesterday.
Brad 拿了一些文件放到 Laura 的辦公室。他們開始聊起 Brad 的朋友 Hank,他昨天才剛跟 Laura 面試。

Brad: Good morning. I just came to drop off these new employment application forms.

Laura: Thanks. I ran out of them yesterday. I've been so busy lately with the interviews that I haven't had time to go and pick them up.

Brad: Yeah, I know. That's why I thought I'd bring them by myself.

Laura: Oh, by the way. I called your friend earlier on to invite him for a second interview.

Brad: That's great. So when is he coming?

Laura: Well… he's not. He asked me about the remuneration and benefits, and when I told him, he said that he wasn't interested and politely hung up.
Laura:嗯... 他不會來了。他問我有關薪水和福利的事。當我告訴他之後,他就說他可能沒有興趣了,然後很客氣的掛了電話。

Brad: I'm really surprised. I'll have to give him a call and see what happened. Maybe he got a better offer somewhere else.

Laura: Anyway, I've got a lot to do now. I don't mean to be rude, but I must get back to work.

Brad: OK. I understand. I've got a huge stack of work on my desk waiting for me, too!
Brad:OK. 我了解。我桌上也一堆工作等著我。

Laura: We can talk more at lunch.

Brad: Maybe we can try that new restaurant that just opened around the corner.

Laura: Sounds great. Meet you at 12:00 outside of your office.

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  Most of the time, mothers work hard all year round and are rewarded for it with only a single day of relaxation. With the celebration of Mother's Day in May, National Geographic Channel is showing one of its all-time favorites, In the Womb. This month, In the Womb's latest show focuses on multiple births in Twins, Triplets1, and Quads2. Many people have at least one brother or sister, but only a small amount have siblings3 that are twins, triplets, or quadruplets.

  This series goes deep into the womb and answers numerous questions that have been on the mind of scientists for years. Do twins hold hands in the womb? If one twin pushes, will the other push back? If so, does this bullying4 carry over into their childhood? Scientists now believe that twins interact while in the womb. Sometimes they kick, push, and even play and kiss. In the womb is where these children bond and their behavior for the rest of their lives is formed.

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退休與面試新人 (面試的後續)

Brad and Laura are taking their coffee break together. They are having a friendly chat about the interviews that Laura conducted earlier that morning.
Brad 和 Laura 正一起在休息。他們在談論有關 Laura 早上進行的面談。

Brad: So, how did the interviews go this morning? Did you find any suitable candidates?

Laura: I interviewed a lot of people who were very qualified for the positions. I'll make my final decisions by the end of the week.

Brad: Do you remember interviewing a guy named Hank?
你記得你有面試一個叫做 Hank 的人嗎?

Laura: That name rings a bell. Why do you ask?

Brad: Well, Hank is a good friend of mine. I have known him ever since I moved to Taiwan.

Laura: I'll take another look at his resume. His picture should be attached to it. Did he go to university in the US?

Brad: Yes, he went to Harvard. He studied and lived in the US for many years. That's why his English is so good.

Laura: Oh, I remember now. He also has a lot of work experience. I was thinking about inviting him for a second interview. He is definitely a top candidate.

Brad: Well, his resume is really impressive. He showed it to me before he faxed it to you.

Laura: I agree, and if my memory serves me right, he was wearing a very nice suit.

Brad: Every girl's crazy about a sharply dressed man!!!

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by Rebecca Fratzke

Universal Studios Hollywood — a place for fun, entertainment, and even history — is taking its first steps in a 25-year plan to expand the park. The new outline envisions an incredible growth of the amusement facilities as well as the development of a residential neighborhood in the area. This environmentally friendly living area is just another feather in the cap of this amazing park of wonder.

Originally known as Universal City, Universal Studios Hollywood was founded in 1915 by Carl Laemmle. It was the first studio to offer tours where audiences could watch films in production. Since then, Universal Studios has grown to include theme parks, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, and much more. This park proved to be so popular that Universal Studios Florida opened in 1990, and last year, Universal Studios Japan (Osaka) celebrated its fifth birthday.

With so much past success from growth, it's no wonder that Universal is excited about its latest plans for expansion. Previous plans were scrapped due to complex zoning and environmental regulations. Now, they are ready to move ahead in full force.

While many new attractions are in the works for the new expansion, Universal will preserve some of its old attractions, such as the Bates Mansion from the film Psycho and the mechanical shark from Jaws. These attractions offer a historical perspective of the film industry. Preserving them illustrates the advance in film production techniques over the years. In addition to safeguarding the past, plenty of new high-tech soundstages, rides, and theaters are in the works. In May, Citywalk, a shopping, dining, and entertainment facility, began remodeling. Spring also saw the opening of SkyVenture Hollywood, an attraction where visitors can float 40 feet into the air on 125 mph winds. Not bad for a studio once called, "The strangest place on Earth."

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 本週話題焦點:退休與面試新人 (尋找代位人選)

Jennifer is talking to Brad in the cafeteria about Robert's replacement.
Jennifer 正和 Brad 在餐館談論有關 Robert 的替代人選。

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How often do you eat meat? Do you recycle? Do you drive a car? Depending upon your answers, you may have a big or small ecological footprint. An ecological what? Of course we all have footprints. We leave them in the mud or after stepping in a puddle, but the ecological footprints that we leave on the Earth are far more important.

By looking at one's ecological footprints, we can see how much a person impacts our planet Earth. The things one does, the products one uses, and how one consumes natural resources are part of that person's ecological footprint. Let's say you eat meat and a lot of processed food every day. You also ride a scooter to work and never recycle. These things amount to having a big ecological footprint. On the contrary, a vegetarian who rides a bike everywhere and recycles everything would have a much smaller ecological footprint. In other words, this person's life doesn't hurt the environment as much as your own. Now, what do you do if you have a big footprint?

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本週話題焦點:退休與面試新人 (退休歡送派對)

Brad and Cindy are discussing the retirement party that will be held on Saturday for one of their colleagues.
Brad 和 Cindy 在討論週六要為他們其中一個同事舉行的退休歡送派對。

Brad: Are you going to Robert's retirement party this Saturday?
Brad:這週六你要去 Robert 的退休歡送派對嗎?

Cindy: Of course, I'm going. He was my boss when I first started working here. What about you? Are you going?

Brad: Yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Robert was the one who hired me over ten years ago.

Cindy: Oh, really? I didn't know that.

Brad: Did you know that Robert has been working here for twenty-five years?
Brad:你知道 Robert 已經在這邊工作二十五年了嗎?

Cindy: Wow! That's a long time.

Brad: He started working here when he was only twenty-four years old.
Brad: 當他二十四歲時,他就開始在這裡工作了。

Cindy: Then he must have been fresh out of college when he first started here.

Brad: Yes. This has been his first and only job.

Cindy: Why is he retiring at such a young age?

Brad: Well, the company offers an attractive retirement package after twenty-five years of service.

Cindy: Sounds great! I only have to work here for twenty-one more years.

Brad: Ha, ha, ha! Do you think that you can tough it out until then?

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