

哈拉五句通 「Surprise Party」(驚喜派對)

My best friend Lily's birthday is coming next month, and I plan to throw her a surprise party.

My best friend Lily's birthday is only a month away, and I plan to hold a surprise party for her.

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今日單字:tag alone


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House Repairs

遇到家裡漏水、馬桶不通、電腦壞掉……等惱人問題後,出門又撞壞腳踏車時該怎麼辦?本期主題實用對話將由 Antonio 和 Clarissa 這一對史上命運最多舛的新婚夫婦為您示範如何表達各種 東西的「損壞」狀況,以及與「送修」和「維修」相關的美語說法喔!

Antonio: Clarissa, are you OK?
Clarissa: Will you get some warm water for my knee?
Antonio: There isn't any hot water, and did you notice that the sink leaks? Do we have a newspaper? I have to go to the bathroom.
(About ten minutes later)
Clarissa: We have hot water now. I just needed to change the battery for the hot water heater.
Antonio: But now the toilet won't flush. I've tried everything, but nothing works. Maybe you should stay away from the bathroom for a while. Looks like we'll have to call a plumber.
(Clarissa calls Pete's Plumbing)
Pete: Pete's Plumbing at your service. Pete speaking, how may I help you?
Clarissa: My name's Clarissa Bandonio, of 453 Santa Monica Boulevard. My toilet is plugged up and my kitchen sink has a leak.
Pete: No worries, ma'am. I have an opening next week.
Clarissa: I can't wait until next week.
Pete: Well, it's $100 for me to come out. Plus an extra $50 for rush service. Once I locate the problem, it may cost you more.

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At noon, Frank and Joyce continue their conversation from yesterday.
中午的時候,Frank 和 Joyce 繼續他們昨天的談話。

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Claire: Jeffrey, have you heard about the new perfumes for sale at SOGO? They have summer scents, like pink roses and evening mist!
Jeffrey: Claire, you know I don't care about perfume. I don't go to SOGO either. Everything there is too expensive.
Claire: You should start paying attention to these things. There're two Chinese Valentine's Days this year. Have you thought about what you're going to get me for the second one? It's all so exciting.
Jeffrey: Two Chinese Valentine's Days! On top of Western Valentine's Day, that makes three in one year.
Claire: It sure makes up for having two Ghost Months.
Jeffrey: I should have listened to my father when he said having a girlfriend is no good.

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1. I’d like a number one, please.

2. For here or to go?

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「Bring to light」(揭露)

英解︰reveal something, make something known


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(CNN) -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon flew to Myanmar on Sunday to guide a conference with international agencies aimed at boosting donations for the cyclone-struck nation, now that its ruling military junta has agreed to accept aid.

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       (天妒英才阿! 認真的男人最帥-廖風德) 


•今日單字: voluntourism




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Mad Labs  瘋狂實驗室

by Jerri Graham

Fish fart. Germs can make you fat. You can light a fire with an old Coke can and a bar of chocolate. Random bits of information are always fun to know, but when these facts are backed up with science, they have much more validity. To learn the basis for these oddities of science, tune in to one of the most interesting, strange, and irreverent series in the world—Mad Labs on the National Geographic Channel. This series explores the everyday science of our lives through some of the most mind-blowing experiments known to man.

Mad Labs is a bit crazy, and the experiments, inventions, and findings in nature featured on the show are rather off-the-wall. In episode one, meet a special breed of goat that doesn't run away when it is scared—it faints instead. Viewers can also discover what it would be like to soar above the masses on a magic carpet. A flying rug has yet to be invented, but a personal helicopter can give passengers the same sensation.

In the second episode of Mad Labs, meet a scientist who adores his pet chicken. He loves him so much that he's figured out a way to send him a hug over the Internet. If you long to hug a human instead of a feathered friend, the way you smell may play a role in this quest. The right deodorant or lack of it may help get you noticed.

Few people in the world enjoy washing dishes. For the rest of us, a handy invention that makes dishes on demand may be the invention we have been waiting for. In episode three of Mad Labs, this neat machine that may mean the end of dishpan hands will be unveiled. Oh, and have you ever wondered if your eyes might pop out if you sneeze too hard? Find out if they will in episode five.

Nearly a dozen fun-filled episodes from the Mad Labs of National Geographic Channel are just waiting for the enjoyment of viewers.

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