(就是很不清析 有口音的英文)


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Forget about diamonds and put away your gold. The latest jewelry craze won't deplete your wallet, but instead may bring about healing powers that are priceless. A genuine silver necklace is bound to bring a smile to practically anyone's face. _(1)_

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission today made available the public version of a combined license (COL) application for two new reactors at the South Texas Project site near Bay City, Texas.


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  You saw a man get shot to death, so you go to the police. Then a person is arrested for the murder1. The murderer turns out to be a member of the Mafia2. If you tell on him, he'll go to prison for the rest of his life. Before the trial, you start getting strange phone calls that threaten your life and everyone else in your family.

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以簡單清爽的介面 連到網路上的免費字典

作者的網頁      去吧

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Two crucial tools for a successful landing of America's latest mission to Mars, the radar and UHF radio on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, have passed in-flight checkouts

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Two freezers on opposite sides of the world could hold the keys to the end of mankind1. The Center for Disease2 Control in Atlanta and Vector in Russia have the last known samples of smallpox3. This disease began in ancient Greece and was done away with by the late 1970s.

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On a hot summer's day in the bustling mountain town of Pompeii, holidaymakers and villagers alike were enjoying the pleasures of the city. It was the day of the festival for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. Some 20,000 men, women, and children were behaving as they would on any other festive day—working, relaxing around their vacation homes, going to the public baths, strolling through the city's marketplace, or lunching in one of the many restaurants in town. With everything going on, no one took much notice that the springs and wells had dried up because this was common in late August. Small tremors had been shaking the place for four days, but that was in the norm, too.

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1. That's awesome!

2. That's phat!

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英解︰to create a difficult or agitated situation

動詞片語「stir up」是「煽動,攪動」的意思,「hornet's nest」則是指「大黃蜂的巢」,因此「stir up a hornet's nest」字面上的意思是「捅蜂窩」,引申為「招惹麻煩」或「引起騷動」的意思。

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