目前分類:英文聽力 (144)

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1. I have a crush on you. / I'm stuck on you.

2. You're my sweet little angel.

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「get the boot」
英解︰be fired

中文常用「捲舖蓋走路」來比喻「被開除了」。英文則是用「從老闆那兒拿到靴子」來表示相同的意思,就是一腳把你踢開,叫你走路了。另外,也可以用「give sb. the boot」來表示「開除某人」。

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Brian:Joyce, I made an appointment with Ms. Hsu next Wednesday. We're going to have a lunch meeting. It's a good chance for you to actually meet one of our clients. 

Joyce:Wow, I've been waiting for this day for a long time. But can you explain what the proper manners are for a lunch meeting? I always get a headache as long as I see so many forks and spoons. 

Brian:Umm, I know. I had the same feeling in the beginning. But once you get used to it, you will find it easy to use the right dining utensils. 

Joyce:O.K. So what's the tip you have? 

Brian:It's quite easy. Don't worry! I won't list every item in detail. Just remember one main rule: always start with the outside fork or spoon. 

Joyce:Oh, what a good pointer! Thanks, Brian.

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Perseus, the son of a mortal woman and the king of the Greek gods, Zeus, was sent to capture the snake-haired Medusa's head. Even though one look at Medusa could turn anyone to stone, Perseus used his shield as a mirror and successfully sliced off her head. Blood flowed from the dead monster's neck and into the ocean. From this water sprang the white-winged horse known as Pegasus, the child of the sea god Poseidon and Medusa.

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