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1. Scotch, straight up.

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英解︰not to progress as planned, be delayed

設定時間表的說法為「set a schedule」,而片語「set back」則是表示計劃因故必須「延期,延後」之意。另外,這個片語也可以指「使……受挫」。

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【相互尊重 I】


Joyce has something on her mind. Brian intends to understand what her problem is.
Joyce 有點心事。Brian 想了解她的困擾是什麼。

Brian:Hey, what's wrong? You look pale. Is everything O.K.?

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Unit 1 The Game Of Love

Colin: I love baseball! I've really been looking forward to this game. Thanks for inviting me to watch it on TV, Janice!

Janice: Don't mention 1 it. I really like you, Colin.

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1. 夏天的好天氣實在很宜人,不過啊,溼熱引起的皮膚問題實在很煩。
Beautiful days in the summer are surely pleasant; however, the skin problems caused by the heat and humidity can be really annoying.
The good weather in the summer is certainly pleasant, but skin problems resulting from the heat and humidity can be a hassle.

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While having a lunch break, Brian, Joyce and Vanessa go to Brian's favorite coffee shop around the corner. They talk about the dress code and enjoy their meal at the same time.
中午休息時間,Brian、Joyce 和 Vanessa 去轉角那間 Brian 最喜歡的咖啡館。他們一邊談論服裝規定一邊享用午餐。

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Roy: Let's go to a water park. The weather is blistering hot, and it's a great way to cool off.

Diane: OK. We need to prepare a few things to bring with us, for example, swimming suits, goggles, sunscreen and swimming caps. I'm going to wear a bikini. Will you wear a speedo?

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Forget about diamonds and put away your gold. The latest jewelry craze won't deplete your wallet, but instead may bring about healing powers that are priceless. A genuine silver necklace is bound to bring a smile to practically anyone's face. _(1)_

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  You saw a man get shot to death, so you go to the police. Then a person is arrested for the murder1. The murderer turns out to be a member of the Mafia2. If you tell on him, he'll go to prison for the rest of his life. Before the trial, you start getting strange phone calls that threaten your life and everyone else in your family.

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Two freezers on opposite sides of the world could hold the keys to the end of mankind1. The Center for Disease2 Control in Atlanta and Vector in Russia have the last known samples of smallpox3. This disease began in ancient Greece and was done away with by the late 1970s.

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On a hot summer's day in the bustling mountain town of Pompeii, holidaymakers and villagers alike were enjoying the pleasures of the city. It was the day of the festival for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. Some 20,000 men, women, and children were behaving as they would on any other festive day—working, relaxing around their vacation homes, going to the public baths, strolling through the city's marketplace, or lunching in one of the many restaurants in town. With everything going on, no one took much notice that the springs and wells had dried up because this was common in late August. Small tremors had been shaking the place for four days, but that was in the norm, too.

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1. That's awesome!

2. That's phat!

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英解︰to create a difficult or agitated situation

動詞片語「stir up」是「煽動,攪動」的意思,「hornet's nest」則是指「大黃蜂的巢」,因此「stir up a hornet's nest」字面上的意思是「捅蜂窩」,引申為「招惹麻煩」或「引起騷動」的意思。

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Joyce comes up with another problem: she doesn't know what to wear for the next lunch meeting. She turns to Brian for help once again.
Joyce 想到另外一個問題:她不知道下次的午餐會議要穿什麼。她再一次向 Brian 尋求協助。

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1. 昨天自然科學老師教我們流星雨的形成過程,還提到即將到來的流星雨。
Yesterday, our science teacher taught us about the forming of meteor showers and told us about the coming meteor shower.
Yesterday, our science teacher taught us how meteor showers form, and he told us about a meteor shower that will happen soon.

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【用餐禮儀 II】
Joyce invites Brian to a fancy restaurant. She is so worried about the next lunch meeting with Ms. Hsu. She hopes that, while having dinner, Brian can give her some useful advice.
Joyce 邀請 Brian 到一家好的餐廳去。她很擔心下次和許小姐的午餐會議。她希望 Brian 在吃晚飯的時候能給她一些有用的建議。 

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Jung: It's so hot today!
Sam: Then let's go eat some ice cream! There's nothing like eating it in the summer.
Jung: But I'd rather eat shaved ice. I like eating mango and milk shaved ice in the summer.
Sam: What in the world is shaved ice?
Jung: There's a machine that shaves a block of ice, and then other ingredients like liquid sugar, candied fruits, beans, peanuts and condensed milk are mixed in. And the taste is out of this world!
Sam: It sounds delicious! But I don't see a shaved ice shop anywhere. I wish an ice cream truck would drive by.
Jung: Is that a truck made of ice cream?
Sam: No! In America it's a truck that's like a portable vender, and it plays a special song over a speaker.
Jung: Ha! Sounds like fun! Do you know about ice cream venders in Taiwan? They ride on bicycles and sell ice cream cones and popsicles. They honk a horn to get people's attention ... (horn sound)
Sam: Yeah! It's a Taiwanese ice cream man to the rescue!
Jung: Don't let him get away!

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The average person uses the toilet some six times a day. These visits can _(1)_ to nearly an hour in a 24-hour period. _(2)_ we use the toilet at home, school, or work most of the time, using restrooms in public places can be unique, interesting, or disturbing.

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Jesse loved hip-hop1 and in his room, he had posters2 of his favorite rappers3 like Eminem and 50 Cent. One day he decided to work hard and see if he could be a rapper, too. He spent most of his free time writing raps down on paper. After a few months, he had enough of them to put an album together. Jesse then called his friend, DJ Gizmo, to help him record a demo4 CD. When the CD was finished, he handed it out to all of the record companies he could think of.

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John: I'm going to a bookstore. Would you like to come along?
Sally: Sure. What kind of books are you planning to buy?
John: I'd like to buy some travel books and some books about repairing bicycles.
Sally: It sounds like you just want to read about practical things.
John: It's true. I like to read in order to learn information that is useful.
Sally: Well I prefer reading for entertainment. I especially like to read novels.

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