目前分類:英文文摘 (57)

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2014-01-24 常春藤解析英語電子報 Need Kidney 4 Wife 為愛走天涯 (500) (1)
2013-08-14 iNews雙語電子報 International Good start, but what’s next? (226) (0)
2013-07-04 常春藤解析英語 Uniquely UNIQLO 獨一無二的優衣庫 (735) (0)
2013-04-24 EZ talk美語會話誌 Dating At Work-4 愛要大聲說 (278) (0)
2013-01-23 EZ talk美語會話誌 You can never tell these days. 這年頭誰都說不準 (402) (0)
2012-12-10 EZ talk美語會話誌 podcast 是什麼? (263) (1)
2012-11-26 EZ talk美語會話誌 Tech-savvy Taxis 高科技計程車 (180) (0)
2012-11-12 空中英語教室電子報 When Making Appointments (218) (0)
2012-10-18 看懂英文故事?小Case! The Ass in the Lion's Skin (767) (0)
2012-09-18 EZ talk美語會話誌 Foreign client visit -1 國外客戶來訪-1 (3572) (0)
2012-08-08 看懂英文故事?小Case! 喇叭手與戰俘 (344) (4)
2012-05-23 EZ talk美語會話誌 Signing up for Community College 社區大學初體驗-3 (180) (0)
2012-04-26 EZ talk美語會話誌 Signing up for Community College 社區大學初體驗-1 (99) (0)
2012-04-09 十五分鐘英文早操 英文面試時,如何談論未來的生涯規畫 (2257) (0)
2012-03-13 看懂英文故事? 老鷹與箭 (223) (0)
2012-03-07 EZ talk美語會話誌 Let's travel abroad 帶自己去旅行!-4 (526) (0)
2012-02-16 EZ talk美語會話誌 Let's travel abroad 帶自己去旅行!-2 (256) (0)
2012-02-09 十五分鐘英文早操 十五分鐘英文早操 (2678) (0)
2012-02-02 EnglishDNA雙語教學報 籌備新進人員面試 (面試後的決定與掙扎) (117) (0)
2011-12-13 看懂英文故事?小Case! 雞與寶石 (153) (0)
2011-11-15 十五分鐘英文早操 英文面試時,如何談論失敗經驗 (2474) (0)
2011-11-02 EZ talk美語會話誌 You betcha. 沒問題。 (11025) (0)
2011-10-03 常春藤生活英語 Journey to the Bugs with Nigel Marven 動物們,我把身體變小了 (154) (0)
2011-09-07 常春藤解析英語 Is It Real 3 奇聞大揭秘3 (186) (0)
2011-09-01 十五分鐘英文早操 英文面試時,如何談論成就 (439) (0)
2011-04-27 常春藤生活英語 Destination: Toronto 前進多倫多 (274) (1)
2010-10-05 這個單字你不懂嗎? 氣象A片 (870) (0)
2010-06-24 FUNDAY線上外語學習教材 China's Pay Rises 中國薪資提升 (369) (1)
2010-05-28 FUNDAY線上外語學習教材Small Nuclear Reactors the Next Big Thing (178) (0)
2010-05-08 FUNDAY線上外語學習教材 Yet More Scuffles among Taiwanese Legislators (400) (0)
2009-12-11 FUNDAY線上外語學習教材 Dubai Crisis Temporarily Relieved as Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates Steps In (235) (2)
2009-10-26 這個單字你不懂嗎? 急速人脈網路 (958) (0)
2009-09-28 看懂英文故事?小Case! 喜散播謠言者,即使哪天說了真話,也不會有人相信 (348) (0)
2009-08-27 Obama to eulogize Kennedy at Boston church (78) (0)
2008-09-22 Arctic Ice in "Death Spiral," Is Near Record LowMason Inman for National Geographic News (261) (0)
2008-09-16 Fobes Childhood Cancer: Where's The Money? (127) (0)
2008-05-25 CNN Summit in Myanmar aims to boost donations (163) (0)
2008-05-01 Taiwan News Soochow plans to cap media attendence for its professors (157) (0)
2008-04-10 Nature Atmospheric chemistry: Are plant emissions green? (290) (0)
2008-03-24 CNN Taiwan opposition triumphs in elections (414) (0)
2008-03-17 NASA Astronauts Continue Outfitting JLP Today (118) (0)
2008-03-03 Science Physicists Successfully Store and Retrieve Nothing (113) (0)
2008-02-09 Nature Nitrogen pollution stomps on biodiversity (144) (0)
2008-01-11 Nature Can weedkillers whack human parasites? (185) (0)
2007-12-30 National geographic Japan Drops Humpback Whale Hunt (141) (0)
2007-12-11 CNN Algeria bomb blasts 'kill 47' (137) (0)
2007-12-03 CNN Killer storm chills Northeast commuters (134) (0)
2007-11-19 Taiwan News Frank Hsieh defends his China policies (159) (0)
2007-11-09 YAHOO sport ITF to investigate suspected poisoning of Haas before Davis Cup match (165) (0)
2007-10-27 Time Vietnam's Coal-Fueled Boom (96) (0)
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